The Second (1-28-10)

Lately I’ve been pondering what it means to be Number Two.  The Second.  Second Place.  Second-rate.  The Silver Medal.  The Runner-up.  The one that comes after The First.  And what’s funny, to me, is that I’m a Vice President (at work anyway) and that means number two, too.  It’s close; but it’s not the top spot!

Recently our daughter found out that she’s pregnant with her second child.  The Second.  What big shoes this little zygote has to fill.  Anna (the soon to be big sister) is a tough act to follow.  What if Baby Number Two isn’t up to the task?  What if Baby Number Two is average – Yikes! Or only kind of cute – Oh my!  Or (God forbid) just settles for being second best – The shame!

But I reflect on my own children and I know that our Second Child was (and is) the greatest blessing to our family.  Here’s why:  She taught The First how to share.  She gave The First someone to guard and protect – and he’s still protecting us all today.  She is truly the center of our family.  She grounds us all and reminds us of the truly important stuff, like love and forgiveness.  She is a peacemaker and a diplomat.  And she gave The Third even more than The First.  She is his confidant; a comforter; a nurturer – all things The Third needed (and still needs).

So I’m celebrating the coming of her ‘Second’ secure in the knowledge that ‘The First’ will become a better person because of it.  And our family will be blessed again – for the Second Time. 

So try to find some time today to celebrate all the “Seconds” in your life:  The second chances, the second tries, the second dates, the second time around…  

And never forget that Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity and He will come again a Second Time.



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